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All CollectionsSet Up GuideSetup: Day Camps
Setup: Day Camp (Weekly Programs)
Setup: Day Camp (Weekly Programs)

Learn How to Quickly Create Your Day Camp with Weekly Programs in FunJoin.

Alexander Richards avatar
Written by Alexander Richards
Updated this week


FunJoin makes it simple and fast to get started. After you complete your First Steps, you can create your programming in FunJoin via our streamlined FUNBOX setup process.

In this Setup Article, we will set up a Day Camp that sells weeks of camp. Other Articles will cover setting up other options for your Day Camp like drop-in days (by-the-day reservations), half days, and more.

💡Setup Example & Story

STEAM Camps LLC has recently joined FunJoin and is ready to set up their Museum Camp, a STEAM-focused summer camp for children. The camp operates for 10 weeks each summer, offering weekly programs at $400 per week. Campers attend from 9 AM to 3 PM, Monday through Friday.

To provide services through FunJoin, Mesuem Camp will set up a Day Camps FUNBOX.

🔔 Reminder

If you get stuck or need more time to complete the setup, remember to utilize the "Save Draft" Feature. At any point in the process, you can save your new FUNBOX as a Draft.

Launch FUNBOX Setup

The first step in the process is creating your FUNBOX.

A FUNBOX is an independent container that can organize multiple Locations, Schedules, and Offerings.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Click "Settings" in Top Navigation

  2. Click "FUNBOX" in Side Navigation

  3. Click "Add FUNBOX" Button

  4. In "Choose a Type of FUNBOX" Modal Window:

    1. Click "Day Camps"

    2. Click "Create" Button


🔎 Getting to Know: FUNBOX

Name: Give your FUNBOX a unique name. We recommend a short, specific, and understandable name.

FUNBOX URL: Create your custom FUNBOX web address.

Locations: Select the Locations where this FUNBOX will be available. You can select more than one Location.

Short Description: Add a condensed summary of your FUNBOX. We suggest a condensed summary and/or a brief explanation of the requirements to attend. This will be displayed in the Customer Hub.

Description: Add more comprehensive details and information about your FUNBOX. We suggest adding information about the purpose, programming, and more. This will be displayed in the Customer Hub.

Photo: Add an image that represents the FUNBOX. This will be displayed in the Customer Hub.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Insert FUNBOX's Name in Name Text Field

  2. Insert FUNBOX URL in FUNBOX URL Field

  3. Select Location(s) from Locations Dropdown

  4. (Recommended) Add FUNBOX Descriptions

    1. Insert your description in Short Description Text Field

    2. Insert your description in Description Text Field

  5. (Recommended) Add FUNBOX Image

    1. Click “Upload Photo” Button

    2. Select an image from the Computer

    3. Click “Open”

    4. (If Needed) Crop image in "Crop Image" Modal Window

    5. (If Needed) Click “Save Changes” Button in "Crop Image" Modal Window

  6. Click "Save & Next" Button

Add Offerings

Next up, you will be adding your Offering.

In FunJoin, Offerings describe and define the services you provide to your Customers. They are the core components of what you build in FunJoin.

🔎 Getting to Know: Offerings

Offering Name: Add a name that describes and defines the service.

We recommend a short, specific, and understandable name.

Age Restriction (Optional): Establish an age range or limit for the Programs of this Offering. If a Participant does not meet the age restriction criteria, they cannot Schedule in the Customer Hub. (Admins can override the Age Restriction when needed.)

Description: Add more details and information about the Offering. This will be displayed in the Customer Hub.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Click "Paid" Button

  2. Click "Programs"

  3. Insert Offering Name in Offering Name Text Field

  4. (Recommended) Add Offering Description

    1. Insert description/information in Details Text Field

  5. (Recommended) Add Offering Photo

    1. Click “Upload Photo” Button

    2. Select an image from the Computer

    3. Click “Open”

    4. (If Needed) Crop image in "Crop Image" Modal Window

    5. (If Needed) Click “Save Changes” Button in "Crop Image" Modal Window

  6. (Optional) Set Offering Age Restriction

    1. Select option from Age Restriction Dropdown

    2. Insert Ages

  7. Click "Save & Next" Button

Create Payments

After you add your Offerings, it is now time to add Payments.

In FunJoin, Customers purchase their Reservations through Credits.

🔎 Getting to Know Credits

Name: Give your Credit Type its own unique name. We recommend a short, specific, and understandable name.

Description: Add details about what this Program Credit can be used for. This will be displayed in the Customer Hub "Credits and Packages" Page.

Base Price: Insert the price of this Credit. This is the price Customers will pay for the Program.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Click "+ Payment Option" Button

  2. Click "+ Create New" Button

  3. In "Create New Program Credit Type" Window:

    1. Insert name in Name Text Field

    2. Insert Description in Description Text Field

    3. Insert Price in Base Price Currency Field

    4. Click "Create Program Credit Type" Button

  4. Click "Save & Next" Button

Add Rules

The final step is adding your FUNBOX Rules. Rules can be edited and adjusted at any time, so you can skip setting up Rules in the initial setup.

If you are interested in setting up rules, please use the links below.

Scheduling Cut Off & Delay

FunJoin offers you control over when your Programs can be booked. You can set a Scheduling Cut Off, to control when bookings close, ensuring no reservations are made past a specific time. In addition, you can add a Scheduling Delay, to control when your Programs become open for booking.

Canceling and Rescheduling in Customer Hub

FunJoin gives you the option to empower your Customers to cancel and reschedule their reservations independently.

Advanced Settings

Advanced Settings offer additional customization options for your new FUNBOX. Here, you can fine-tune display preferences, adjust payment settings, and further personalize your setup to suit your needs.

Finalize & Publish

Nice work! You have now created your Day Camps FUNBOX.

When you Finalize your FUNBOX, you have two options:

Publish Now: This will finalize and publish your new FUNBOX. You can add your first Schedule at a later time.

Publish & Create Schedule: This will finalize and publish your new FUNBOX and take you directly into setting up your first Schedule.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Click Finalize Button

  2. In "Finalize FUNBOX Setup" Modal Window:

    1. Click "Publish & Create Schedule" Button or "Publish Now" Button

Next Steps

More Setup Options

If needed, you can add more options to your Day Camps FUNBOX.

Create Schedule Set

If you do need to add any other setup options, you can continue to the next step, which is creating your first Schedule Set.

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