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1-Click Review
Alexander Richards avatar
Written by Alexander Richards
Updated over a week ago


Step-by-Step Instructions

Access via Runway


  1. Click "Runway" in Top Navigation

  2. Click "Attendance: Requires Review" Box or "Manually Added: Requires Review" Box

  3. Option 1: Review All

    1. Click "1-Click Review" Button

  4. Option 2: Review Individual Document

    1. Find Participant in Review Center Table

    2. Click Dropdown Arrow

    3. Find Document

    4. Click "Review" Button

Access Via Participant Profile


  1. Open Document Modal Window on Participant Profile

  2. Find Requires Action Section

  3. Click "Review" Button

Use 1-Click Instant Review

Approve (Received and Verified):


  1. Click "Received and Verified" Button

Request Resubmission:


  1. Insert details and/or instructions in Reason for Resubmission Text Field

  2. Click "Request Resubmission" Button


Why is the amount of Documents/Smart Forms in the Runway Card lower than the amount in the Review Center Table?

The Runway Card tallies the total amount of "unique" Documents/Smart Forms. While in the Review Center Table, there is a row for every Attendance Date (Reservation Date) associated with those Document/Smart Forms. This is intended to allow the User to use Attendance Date as a metric for choosing what Documents/Smart Forms to Review (For example, you may choose to prioritize reviewing the Documents/Smart Forms associated with Reservations nearest to today's date).


Let's say a Participant has signed up for 10 Sessions on different days. They completed the Smart Form that is Required for those Reservations and it is ready for Review. Remember, they only need to Complete one Smart Form for all those Reservations to satisfy the Attendance Requirement.

That Smart Form will count as "1" in the Runway Card, but there will be 10 Rows/Entries in the Review Table (one for each Attendance).

As soon as you Review the "unique" Document/Smart Form, all the other rows/entries will disappear. Going back to the example, let's say you Review the Smart Form associated with the first Attendance Date. After that is done, the 9 other entries/rows in the Review Table will disappear. This is because the Smart Form you reviewed is the same exact Smart Form used to attend the other Reservations.

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