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Add Attendance Requirement to Smart Forms

Learn How to Properly Add Attendance Requirements So Your Smart Forms Can Be Properly Created, Assigned, and Tracked.

Alexander Richards avatar
Written by Alexander Richards
Updated over a week ago


In FunJoin, Smart Forms can have an Attendance Requirement.

Smart Forms that are Required for Attendance should be completed before the Participant attends the Session or Program.
You'll make Smart Forms Required for Attendance by adding an Attendance Requirement to the Smart Form Template.

After you create the Smart Form Template, you can set if it is:

  • Required to Attend All Sessions/Programs.

  • Required to Attend All Sessions/Programs at a Specific Location.

  • Required to Attend All Sessions/Programs of a Specific Offering Type.

  • Required to Attend Sessions/Programs of a Specific Offering Type at a Specific Location.

If a Smart Form has an Attendance Requirement, it can be required to complete Before Scheduling or After Scheduling.

If set to Before Scheduling, the Smart Form will need to be completed before the Participant is Scheduled for the Session/Program. If it is set to After Scheduling, the Smart Form will be created and assigned upon Scheduling the Session/Program.

Special Case: Participants Already Have Reservations

When adding an Attendance Requirement, you may determine the Smart From is required for Sessions/Programs of an Offering that Participants are already Scheduled for.

In this case, you have two options:

Save Only

If you select Save Only, the Smart Form will only be created and assigned to Participants with new Reservations. Only Participants who Schedule "going forward" will have a requirement to complete it. If a Participant has already been Scheduled, the Smart Form will not be created and assigned to them, and they will not have a requirement to complete it.

Save & Proceed

If you select Save & Proceed, the Smart Form will be created and assigned to Participants with both new and existing Reservations. Participants who Schedule "going forward" will have a requirement to complete it. In addition, the Smart Form will be automatically created and assigned to Participants who are already Scheduled, and they will have a requirement to complete it.

πŸ’‘ Example: Save Only vs. Save and Proceed

Rachel is preparing for her Summer Camp. She initially created her Smart Forms a few months ago, and everything is going well.
However, she just realized she forgot to set up a "Media Consent" Smart Form.
Participants who already have Reservations need to get this Smart Form completed, and Participants who are Scheduled going forward need to get it completed as well.

When adding the Attendance Requirement to the Smart Form Template, Rachel would select "Save & Proceed."

Rachel also realizes she forgot to set up a "How Did You Hear About Us?" Smart Form. She would like Participants with new Reservations to get this completed, but does not need Participants who have already made Reservations to get it completed.
When adding the Attendance Requirement to the Smart From Template, she would select "Save Only."

Step-by-Step Instructions

Add Attendance Requirement to Smart Form Template


  1. Click "Settings" in Top Navigation

  2. Click "Smart Forms" Tab in Side Navigation

  3. Find Smart Form

  4. Click "Add" Button in Attendance Requirements Column

  5. In "Adding Attendance Requirements" Modal Window:

    1. Select Before or After Scheduling from Display Order Dropdown

    2. Select Locations from Locations Dropdown

    3. Select Offerings from Offerings Dropdown

    4. If Participants Do Not Already Have Reservations:

      1. Click "Add Requirements" Button

    5. If Participants Already Have Reservations:

      1. Click "Check to proceed. This action is irreversible" Checkbox

      2. Click "Save Only" or "Save & Proceed" Button

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