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Create a Smart Form Template

Learn How to Create New Smart Form Templates for Your Customers to Answer.

Alexander Richards avatar
Written by Alexander Richards
Updated over a week ago


FunJoin's Smart Forms feature makes collecting information, receiving files, and obtaining Virtual Signatures easy. You can create an unlimited number of totally customized Smart Forms for your Customers to complete.

Your Customers will complete their Smart Forms in the Customer Hub. FunJoin's Smart Forms feature provides a clean, intuitive user interface. Questions are presented individually, and you can provide detailed instructions on how to answer. Smart Forms can be answered quickly and smoothly (even on a mobile device).

🔎 Getting to Know: Questions Types

Short Text

Customers enter concise text-based responses.

Long Text

Customers enter longer, more detailed text-based responses.


Customers select only one answer from a predefined list of answers.

Multiple Choice

Customers select one or more answers from a predefined list of answers. Customers can also have the option to add an "Other" answer.

File Upload

Customers can upload files like documents, images, videos, and more.

Virtual Signature

Customer will be required to type out their name to act as their signature.

🔎 Getting to Know: Question Settings


If checked, the question is Required. Required Questions cannot be skipped and must be answered.

Answer is Editable by Customer

If checked, the Customer can change their answer after the Smart Form is submitted.

Hide on Employee Mobile App

If checked, the answer will not be displayed in the Employee Mobile App.

Question Expires

If checked, the answer will expire after a set amount of days after the Smart Form is submitted. If a Participant Schedules another Session or Program that requires this Smart Form and their answer is expired, the Participant will need to resubmit the Smart Form with a new answer for that question. Until it expires, they can Schedule without any restrictions.

Multiple Selection (Only for Multiple Choice)

If checked, Customer can select more than one answer from the options.

Other Option (Only for Multiple Choice)

If checked, "Other" is added to the predefined list of answers. If selected, the Customer can add a short, custom answer.

💡 Question Examples

Short Text

Long Text


Multiple Choice

File Upload

Virtual Signature

Step-by-Step Instructions

Create a Smart Form


  1. Click "Settings" in Top Navigation

  2. Click "Smart Forms" Tab in Side Navigation

  3. Click the “+ Template” Button to open Create Smart Form Template Page

  4. Insert Smart Form Name in Template Name Text Field

  5. Optional: Make Smart Form Required

    1. Click Smart Form is Required Checkbox

  6. Optional: Enable Smart Form Review

    1. Click Internal Review Required Checkbox

  7. Add Questions (Repeat as Needed)

    1. Click “Add Question" Button

    2. Select Question Type in Type Dropdown

    3. Insert Question in Question Text Field

    4. Insert Description in Description Text Field

    5. Adjust Question Settings by clicking Settings Checkboxes

    6. If Needed: Multiple Choice and Dropdown Only

      1. Insert Answer Option in Options Text Field

      2. Click “+ New Option” Button and repeat above step

  8. Optional: Add Virtual Signature

    1. Toggle Virtual Signature to turn on Virtual Signature Requirement

    2. Insert Instructions in the Instructions Text Field

    3. Insert Description in Description Text Field

  9. Click “Save" Button (Upper-Right Corner)

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